About us
The Beacon Hill Voice Neighborhood Forum is a free blog for members of the Beacon Hill Planned Community Association in Laguna Niguel. This Forum is focused on the Master Association and not any particular sub-association. The purpose is for neighbors to share their thoughts and concerns related to our HOA board, and Association Management Company. We are rookies at this but feel this is important. Please share any suggestions or insights.
The Beacon Hill Voice is your opportunity to share your thoughts and learn what your neighbors are thinking. This is our community.
We welcome your input. Please send to BeaconHillVoice1@gmail.com
Your name and address will remain anonymous unless you tell us otherwise.
All submissions will be reviewed and posted where applicable. All submissions will only be used for this website.
Your name and address will remain anonymous unless you tell us otherwise.
All submissions will be reviewed and posted where applicable. All submissions will only be used for this website. What is posted may be edited (no names) and is at the discretion of the voice. All opinions expressed are our own. This is a work in progress for the betterment of our community.
Please know that the CC&R’s call homeowners’ members.
If we use the word neighbor, we mean a homeowner or member.
When we use HOA, we mean the combination of the Master Board and the Management (Dana Pacific) company.
If we mean the Master Board, we will try to remember to make that clear.
All opinions expressed are our own.
This is a collaboration of many homeowners who know that the HOA could make a much better effort in making our community better. We have our thoughts but are asking for your suggestions. Many of us find the HOA to be intransigent.
If you would like to add any comments to this page or find something that is not accurate, please email us at Beaconhillvoice1@gmail.com